Willliam Hill Bookie
Are there any charges for using Willliam Hill Bookie?
Willliam Hill offer you a full on-line betting service, check your account status or find out the latest odds. There is no need to download software. All Bookie bets placed with WilliamHill.co.uk are completely and permanently tax-free. There are no charges for credit or debit card transactions.
Whatever your sport, it is likely that Willliam Hill will offer odds on it . All major worldwide sports are covered, including NFL, College Football, Baseball, Basketball, Boxing, Golf, Cricket, Horse Racing, Ice Hockey, Motor Racing, Soccer (English and European Leagues), Rugby League, Rugby Union and many more.
So whether you're looking for a Single, or an Accumulator, a Parlay or an Exotic bet, Willliam Hill Bookie is the right place.
What is Willliam Hill Bookies maximum payout?
Football bets |
£1,000,000 |
Horseracing bets |
£1,00,000 |
Greyhound bets |
£50,000 |
Sports bets |
£50,000 |
Special / Novelty bets |
£25,000 |
How do I deposit funds into my Willliam Hill account?
To open an online account with Willliam Hill requires an initial deposit of only £2 or equivalent in any of the currencies Willliam Hill accept. There is a variety of ways Willliam Hill Bookie can accept your deposit, including Visa, MasterCard, Eurocard, bank wire, personal cheque, Western Union, Quick Cash (GBP only) and Neteller (USA Clients only).
WilliamHill have the lowest minimum stakes anywhere on the net - only 1p . But, as the market leader in online gaming, Willliam Hill Bookie is equally happy to accept substantial wagers in the currency of your choice. How do I withdraw my winnings from Willliam Hill Bookie?
Willliam Hill pride themselves on paying your winnings quickly . Simply request payment from Willliam Hill and it's on its way - within 24 hours.
See www.williamhill.co.uk for more details.